Divine Blog Post

Happy Spring Equinox!

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 A Spring Blessing for You

Happy Spring Equinox!

Today is the Spring Equinox. But not only is it the first day of Spring, it is also a New Moon. And not only is it a New Moon, it is also a Solar Eclipse!

And in two weeks, we will celebrate Easter, THE day of rebirth and new beginnings.

That’s a whole lot of new beginning energies!

So, what does this mean for you?

It means that the Universe is conspiring
to SUPPORT YOU in creating
your desires, dreams and visions.

The Universe is helping you get your work out to the world. It’s helping you step into your vision for business. (Oh yeah, and your life, and your money, and your health, and your relationships – all that, too, but since we talk here mostly about business, I figure it’s best to stay focused on that.)

How can you take advantage
of these yummy energies?

Today, or some time this weekend, take the time to get clear about what you want to create in your business.

  • Write it down in your journal.
  • Create a vision board.
  • Create a vision journal (something I like doing!).

Happy Spring Equinox!

Don’t be afraid to get specific. Don’t be afraid to dream big. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want.

Create! Cut out pictures from magazines, use colorful markers (to make things fun), and just ASK for what you want!

When you are finished, be sure to tell the Divine “Thank You” as you complete your creation. Allow it to be a sacred, fun experience (because that’s what it is!)

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Have a very beautiful, very blessed Spring Equinox!


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