25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Download

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Welcome to the 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 program! 

This is your download page that will hold all of the information for the program.


Here’s how to whitelist an email address with Gmail

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Your Divine Handouts:[/text_block]

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Week 2

Divine Belief Tracker – Week 2 – doc
Divine Belief Tracker – Week 2 – pdf


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Week 3

Divine Belief Tracker – Week 3 – doc
Divine Belief Tracker – Week 3 – pdf


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Week 4

Divine Belief Tracker – Week 4 – doc
Divine Belief Tracker – Week 4 – pdf


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Week 5

Divine Belief Tracker – Week 5 – doc
Divine Belief Tracker – Week 5 – pdf


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Your Divine Calls:[/text_block]

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Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Day #1
Time: Monday, November 4th at 12:00 PM Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s topic is “That’s too many clients!” We’re going to tap on fears that come up around even the idea of having that many clients. Fears like:

      • What would I do with them?
      • How would I be able to help them all?
      • Where would I even get them? And so on…​

Tapping MP3



Tapping Scripts:

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Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Day #2
Time: Tuesday, November 5th at 12:00 PM Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend (also your replay link), visit:


Today’s topic is “I’m afraid I can’t have what I want.”  

Do you find yourself wanting lots of clients but feeling like you can’t have them?  Maybe afraid of wanting more money, more freedom and more success in your business, but also afraid you can’t have it? 

Are you worried that you will never get there?  

Do you hear whispers inside that say “It’s a pipe dream, just be grateful for what you have” or “What makes you think you can have that?” or something equally disempowering? 

Are you concerned that you’re putting in all of this energy and time and money for nothing?  

What if… 

    • You could have what you want and be at peace with it?
    • You knew you could create what you wanted and didn’t worry about the how?
    • You could really stand in your power as co-creator with the Divine? 

Would that change how willing you are to receive more into your business (and your life)?  

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Day #3
Time: Wednesday, November 6th at 12:00 PM Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s topic is “What if I get lots of clients? (And what if I don’t?)  

So many times, we want something and yet we are afraid of getting it.  We are afraid of what may happen if we get it.  

And then we’re afraid of what may happen if we don’t get it.  (sound familiar?)

What if…

    • You could actually open yourself up to receiving the clients you want (without fear)?
    • You could actually create those clients in your life (and enjoy them)?
    • You could relax into trusting that the Divine relationships you create with your clients are exactly what you both need – and want? 

Would that change how willing you are create more clients in your business? 

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Day #4
Time: Thursday, November 7th at 12:00 PM Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s topic is “I’m afraid of being too visible!”  

If you find yourself being afraid to be seen or heard by your market (which looks like you’d rather do anything other than market your services), then you’ll want to be on this call.

Usually the fear of being too visible comes from a fear of being judged and found less than. It stems from many, many situations in our lives where we have been judged and told we were less than. 

What if… 

    • You could share yourself and your services without being concerned with being judged?
    • You could shed the fear that someone will find you lacking?
    • You could confidently share your work (even if it’s considered “woowoo”) with the world without feeling like you are weird? 

How would that change how you show up?  (A lot, right?) 

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Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Day #5
Time: Friday, November 8th at 12:00 PM Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today is Friday, and in this program, we’re going to do something different on our end-of-the-week Fridays. We’re going to do affirmation tapping, something I love doing. 

Today’s topic is “I Deserve to Receive!”  

So many times we push away the good that we are offered because it doesn’t look like we think it should.

For example:

    • I can’t receive that money; it should come to me through a different source!
    • I can’t take on that client; they’re a friend/family member/colleague!
    • I can’t serve that person; they’re further along in their ___ than I am!
    • And so on.

So today, we’re going to just settle into the energy of receiving, no matter what it looks like, so that we can allow our good to flow into us as the Divine intends, and as the answers to the prayers we have asked and the intentions we have set. ​

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #6
Date & Time: Monday, November 11th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:


Today’s topic is “It’s hard to get the clients!”  

Sometimes finding clients (good clients!) feels like pulling teeth! You wonder where they are, and how to reach them. And doing so feels hard, arduous, and painful. 

But… what if it could be different? 

What if…

    • You knew where your clients were hanging out looking for you?
    • You could trust the nudges from the Divine about what to say to people?
    • You could believe that what you’re doing in your marketing is effective and worthwhile? 

How would that change your experience of getting clients?

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #7
Date & Time: Tuesday, November 12th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s call is all about “I really need to be client attractive!”  

Even if we’re doing the right things – at least those things we know to do – the results can be less than desirable. This is frustrating especially if we see others doing the same thing and getting good results! 

So today, we’re going to tap on being more client attractive.

What if… 

    • You knew that who you are is exactly what your clients wanted?
    • You could trust that what you say is exactly what you need to say to your market?
    • You could let go of any inner should and just BE client attractive? 

How would that change how you feel about being client attractive?

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #8
Date & Time: Wednesday, November 13th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s call is all about “I just want clients to show up!”  

If I hear one thing from my clients about getting clients, it’s this statement: “I just want my clients to show up!” As in, I don’t really want to have to do anything to have that happen, just let them show up (with money).

Ever feel like that? (Yeah, me, too.) 

What if… 

    • You could really trust that they would show up?
    • You knew what to do so that they will show up?
    • You could trust that what you do will cause them to show up? 

How would that change how you do things in your business? 

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #9
Date & Time: Thursday, November 14th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today, we’re going to tap on the belief that “They can’t afford me!”  

One of the things we hear the most from our prospective clients is that they just can’t afford us. Ever hear this? “Oh, I’d love to, but I just don’t have the money.” 

Here’s the question: what do you do when that happens? (Because it will happen with varying frequency.) 

What if… 

    • You didn’t go immediately into agreement with them and slink away?
    • You could actually find a work-around for that situation?
    • You could hold a powerful stand for them to be able to create the money? 

How would that change how you get clients?

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #10
Date & Time: Friday, November 15th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s topic is “I don’t want to have to reach out to people!”  

Ever thought “Why do I have to be the one to reach out all the time?” (This follows along with our call on “Why can’t my clients just show up?”

Yeah. I hear ya. 

And yet part of our job as business owners is to let people know you exist. People can’t work with you unless they know you exist. 

This feeling is especially true for empaths and introverts who are very good at what they do but would just prefer that their clients (and money) just drop into their world from the sky.


If this is you, well… how’s that working? Not so great, right? 

What if… 

    • You actually could reach out and touch someone with ease?
    • You could know what to say to move the relationship along (without fear of rejection)?
    • You could just enjoy the connection and not make it mean anything? 

Would that change your ability to reach out to people and connect?  

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #11
Date & Time: Monday, November 18th at 12:00 PM Eastern

To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s topic is “I’m afraid I’ll sacrifice too much to get a lot of clients!”  

Many healers and coaches have a fear of having too many clients because they are afraid they’ll have to sacrifice a lot in order to either get those clients or to keep those clients. 

They worry that they won’t have the time or the energy to serve everyone, and that they’ll have to become contortionists in order to do what they need to do. It seems to be a valid concern.  

 But, what if… 

    • You could work with your ideal clients – people who energized you instead of depleted you?
    • You knew that you’d have time to do the things you love doing, and still have the time to serve your beloved clients?
    • You could had plenty of energy left over for the people and things you love? 

Would that change your willingness to receive more clients in your business? 

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #12
Date & Time: Tuesday, November 19th at 12:00 PM Eastern

To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Let’s tap on this concept today: “I just can’t do it all!”  

Getting clients. Marketing your business. Doing admin work. Managing a team. Creating new projects. Fulfilling on the projects you’ve already created. Living your life. Handling intimate relationships. Having friends. Doing Divine self-care. Taking care of your home. Taking care of your car. Taking care of your furbabies. Volunteering. Community participation. And so on. 

It can get pretty overwhelming, because the bigger your dream, the more things you have to pay attention to. 

Aaaggghhh!!!  It’s enough to make you want to pull your hair out! 

But, what if… 

    • You could find a way to do it all (just not all at once)?
    • You knew that you could manage anything that was sent your way; that you could trust that you’ve got this?
    • You could had plenty of energy left over for you? 

How would that feel?  (Less overwhelming, I think, right?)

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #13
Date & Time: Thursday, November 21st at 12:00 PM Eastern

To attend (also your replay link), visit:

And today’s topic is: “I can’t manage that many clients!”  

This is pretty much in alignment with the “I can’t do it all,” except it has a few different pieces to it. Pieces like “That’s a LOT of clients!” and “What would I do with them all?” and “How could I handle them all?” and “How would I take care of them all (so that they’re happy)?” and so on. 

Sound familiar? The questions then send us straight to this, energetically: 

 But, what if…

    • You knew exactly what to do with – and for – your clients?
    • You could take care of your clients in a way that you felt good about?
    • You could handle this many clients (and even more)? 

Would that allow you to expand into a more welcoming energy toward your clients? 

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #14
Date & Time: Friday, November 22nd at 12:00 PM Eastern

To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s topic is: “I love my clients!”  

I really want us to have a day of open-hearted love for our clients. When we step into that space of welcoming them in, of awareness of all they do for us, then we create more love, more joy, more abundance and yes, more clients. 

So, today we’re going to have a love-fest!  

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Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #15
Date & Time: Monday, November 25th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s topic is: “So where are all my clients!”  

You share on Facebook. You tweet. You Instagram. You offer your teleseminars. You do what you know to do. And yet … crickets. 

So where are they all hiding? 

Let’s tap on this today, shall we?

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Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #16
Date & Time: Tuesday, November 26th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s call is all about “What if they feel like they’ve wasted their money?”  

The healer within us wants everyone to find their place of alignment – with their physical body, with their emotional world, and with their spiritual connection. 


    • What if someone comes to us and they just don’t change? At least not to the degree that they wanted?
    • What if they don’t get the transformation they had asked for? 
    • Worse yet… 

What if they feel like they’ve wasted their money? 

This one fear alone can keep us from shining our light and serving others. It will stop us every single time. Because more than anything else, we don’t want to feel like we’ve abused someone’s trust. 

But… what if: 

    • You could allow others to have their own experiences and not have it mean anything about you and your value?
    • You knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that you DID help them – even if it wasn’t in the way they thought it “should” have been?
    • You could help them recognize where they DID get value and transformation? 

How would that change things for you in your business?

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #17
Date & Time: Wednesday, November 27th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s call is all about “What if I’m bothering them?”   

Often, we worry about following up with people. Calling them to schedule another appointment. Calling after we meet them. Asking them to a connection call. And so on.  

The inner thought is “I don’t want to bother them!” 

And that phone becomes a 100lb phone.  It’ll stop you every time. 

But… what if:

    • You could trust that the calls and emails you send are exactly at the right time?
    • You could trust that what you are offering is something they need – genuinely need?
    • You know that it’s just a matter of timing, and that you have the best timing in the world? 

How would that change things for you in the way you reach out to prospective clients?

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #18
Date & Time: Monday, December 2nd at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s call is all about “I don’t want PITA clients?”  

PITA. Pain-in-the-ass clients. Clients who want, no… demand more than they have paid for. Clients who don’t show up. Clients who want refunds. Clients who complain all the time, who would prefer to be a victim than do the work. Clients who make themselves your victim. 

When you’ve experienced clients like this, the idea of calling in more clients is well, horrifying. So you put your hand up, energetically, and say “stay away!” 

But… what if:

    • You could trust that the people who show up are the exact right people at the exact right time?
    • You could trust that you’ve got what it takes to handle those PITA clients?
    • Even more, what if you could actually call in your ideal, perfect clients? 

How would that change things for you in the way you receive clients?

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #19
Date & Time: Tuesday, December 3rd at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s topic is “What if I build it and they don’t come!?”  

In the movie, Field of Dreams, Kevin Costner’s farmer character awakens in the middle of the night to a voice that says “If you build it, they will come.” He’s been shown to build a baseball field on his land (instead of planting crops), which is completely crazy and impractical. He does it anyway. And they come. 

Most of us watching this think “oh that’s so nice that it worked out for him,” and then we hope it will work out for us – whatever our dream is. 

But our shadow side says “But what if I build it and they don’t come?! What if I do all this work and get nothing. No clients. Zip. Nada. Then I’ve done it all for nothing. I’ve chased a pipe dream.”

That’ll be the underlying energy from which you do everything. And guess what will happen.? 

Not much. A lot of efforting and not enough response. 

Let’s tap today on this fear and see if we can shift it a bit, shall we? 

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #20
Date & Time: Wednesday, December 4th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s topic is “It’s FUN to have lots of clients!”  

So many times we tap on what’s wrong.

Let’s tap today on what’s right. Let’s tap on how fun it actually is to be in a space where we have lots of clients! 

Where we are living our purpose. 

Where we are serving and helping make the world a better place.

Let’s play!

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #21
Date & Time: Thursday, December 5th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s call is all about “Why can’t it just be EASY?”  

Have you ever thought “why can’t it just be easy to get clients?”  Do you wonder what it would take to have your client attraction process be easy? To know what to do and what to say … and when to your market and your prospective clients? To know how to engage someone without pushing them away?What would that be like? 

What if:

    • You knew how to connect with your market?
    • You knew you could speak to your prospective clients with confidence and ease – knowing exactly what to say and how to say it?
    • You felt ease and grace in every bit of the client attraction part of your business? 

How would that change things for you in your business?

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #22
Date & Time: Friday, December 6th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s call is all about “Why am I always working to get more clients?!”  

Wanting clients. Hoping for clients. Needing clients. And sometimes chasing clients. 

OMG, does it ever end?!  

What if: 

    • You knew where to get your clients and how?
    • You had systems in place to support your client attraction process?
    • You felt ease and grace in every bit of the client attraction part of your business? 

How would that change things?

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #23
Date & Time: Monday, December 9th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s call is “I’m ready to tell a new story!”  

We all tell ourselves stories. Stories of empowerment, and stories of disempowerment, I’m sorry to say. 

Our stories are powerful: they can keep us where we are or help us create what we want.The trick is to catch ourselves telling the stories we don’t want to hear (or to be true). 

    • “Oh, they won’t want what I’m offering.”
    • “I’m not far enough along to be able to help them.”
    • “They don’t need me and my services.”
    • “What if it doesn’t work out?”
    • And so on. 

What if: 

    • You could recognize the pattern and interrupt it?
    • You could change your story mid-stream?
    • You could create an entirely new story (and have it manifest into reality)??? 

How would that change your experience of creating clients – of creating anything?

Tapping MP3:



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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #24
Date & Time: Tuesday, December 10th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s call is “My clients are looking for me!”  

Your market is wanting you. They are looking for what you’re offering. They are searching right now for your services. 

Are you ready for them? Can they find you? 

Or are you playing the invisibility game because… 

    • “I’m not ready yet!”
    • “I don’t have everything in place yet!”
    • “I’m not far enough along!”
    • “I don’t know what to say!”
    • And so on. 

What if:

    • You were open and willing to receive them?
    • You knew you could help them?
    • You allowed yourself to say yes to new people, new experiences, new relationships? 

How would that change your experience of creating clients?

Tapping MP3:



Tapping Scripts:

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Event Title: 25 Clients in 25 Days 2019 – Call #25
Date & Time: Wednesday, December 11th at 12:00 PM Eastern
To attend (also your replay link), visit:

Today’s call is “I say YES!”  

Yes! to clients. Yes! to abundance. Yes! to my business. Yes! to the Divine. YES! to life!

Let’s play!

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Tapping Scripts:

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Attend by Phone: 
Guest pin code:                       092933# 
Primary dial in number:      (425) 440-5100 
Secondary dial in number:  (929) 223-3001 

Local Call-In Numbers:

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Your Divine Bonuses:


A. Your Tapping Points


Tapping Points – pdf

EFT Tapping Points – pdf

EFT Tapping Points – mp3


B. Divine Client Attraction Heart-to-Heart Guided Visualization

Heart-to-Heart Connection

Download Page:

Password:              DCA-H2HV8.21.14


C. 3 Simple Steps to Creating an Abundance of Your Perfect, Ideal Clients!

Divine Client Attraction eBook


3 Simple Steps to Creating an Abundance of Your Perfect, Ideal Clients!


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”] D. Divine Tapping Resources:


10 Common Tapping Mistakes: Resolving them leads to

Exceptional Tapping Results


EFT Tapping: Transform Trash Into Treasure


What you need to know about EFT


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Rev. Anne Presuel
Your 6th Sense Guide to a 6-Figure Business


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