Divine Blog Post

OMG, I love you!

Anyone else feeling the effects of this Mercury Retrograde period? (And Mars Rx, and 3 other planets, I believe.) I have been feeling it so powerfully this time!

For several weeks, I’ve been feeling lower than I’ve felt in a very long time. Discouraged. Frustrated. Tired. And it’s been affecting my sleep, which of course, has been affecting my emotional world.


All of this culminated in a big ugly trigger on Tuesday. A trigger which had me hang up the phone with someone because I just couldn’t continue the conversation. And at the end of it, all I wanted to do was crawl into bed. Just … screw everything.

Ever felt like that?

Yeah, I know.

So yesterday, I called a friend. I asked her if she had a little bit of time for me, and thank goodness, she did. She led me through a beautiful energy exercise which completely shifted my perspective. It helped me access gratitude in a new and powerful way.

This morning, I did her exercise again, and ended up in tears.

Tears of gratitude.

For my business. For my clients. For my life. For you.

Yes, for you.

You see, you have been walking with me on this journey for a while. You’ve been playing with me in programs, or you’ve been opening my emails and considering what I have to say. You’ve entrusted me with your email address, with your time, with your attention.

Thank you.

Thank you for that gift of time and energy.

Thank you for your wisdom that you share with the world. Thank you for your trust, not only in me, but in others.

You see, trust, in my world, is profoundly sacred. It is the most important thing someone can give to someone else. It is what makes the difference between a relationship that deepens, and one that dies.

Because of this, I will do everything in my power to never betray someone’s trust, because I know that once it’s been betrayed, it’s really difficult to ever trust again. (Been there, got the tee-shirt, as they say.)

I am profoundly grateful for you being in my life and sharing this journey with me. I cannot state it enough: thank you.

You bring light and joy not only to my life, but to the lives of others. You bring hope and possibility where there was none. You change the world with your beingness.

Keep shining, Divine One, keep shining.

I love you.



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