Divine Blog Post

What do you trust…?

With so much going on in the world, there is a common theme that seems to be emerging:

I’m afraid to trust!

Trusting is a biggie, isn’t it? Trusting that we’ll be ok, that our world will be ok, that life will be ok as we go through the process of expanding into new conscious awareness. It can be pretty scary when every where you look things look like they are falling apart, which they must do when something new and wonderful is being born.

And yet…

The experience can be scary. It can be uncertain especially when what we thought we had in place gets shifted.

We’re being asked to trust.

Oh yeah. It can be a challenge.

Let’s talk about this tomorrow on our monthly Divine New Moon Magic call. Because what you are called to do anytime you decide you want to manifest something new and wonderful is to trust the process. Especially when it gets messy.

And as I said above, it can be a challenge.

Because what we’re being called to do is this:

Trust the Divine.

Trust the Process.

Trust Ourselves.

Curious? Then please join in on the call. Here’s the sign-up information (we need to know where to send the call-in deets, you know)…

Divine New Moon Magic
Manifest Your Powerful, Prosperous Month!

Yes, there will be a replay, lovey, so if you don’t make it live, you can listen later. And if you’ve already signed up for this monthly call, you don’t need to sign up again (unless you have a new email addy).

Oh, and by the way, be sure to write down what you intend to create in this next moon cycle, because the New Moon is the ideal time to do just that! And we are now in the yummy New Moon energies!
I hope I see you there!

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