Divine Blog Post

Raw Food, Hay House and You

Last week, on 11/11/11, at yes, 11:11 am, I sat down and wrote out my intentions for the next couple of years.  The moon was full that day, the numbers aligned, and I wanted to take advantage of the creative energies available to me in helping me create the vision for my life.

This morning, I looked at what I wrote, and immediately went into a place of fear.


“That’s too big,” I thought. “How can I create that?”


(ok, it gets worse)


“Who am I to do all of that?  It feels too big.”




I noticed.  I listened.  And I heard.  That’s my fear talking.  That’s not my place of faith.  I wrote it in a place of faith.  And now I wasn’t feeling so inspired.  Instead, I felt afraid.


(By the way, this happens to all of us.  It does.  Really.)


I took a deep breath and recognized what was happening.  And then I remembered.


Recently, as I was on Facebook, I saw a link to a YouTube channel for The Raw Food Coach.  I clicked on it, and was taken to Karen Knowler (The Raw Food Coach) showing people how to make raw veggie burgers.


Now, while I’m not a raw foodist by any stretch, I am fascinated by the concept, and am a (mostly) vegetarian.  (Yeah, I get it – they’re not the same, but I figured I’d get some points anyway.)


I was impressed by the professional quality of Karen’s videos.  After one finished, I watched another one.  Then I noticed that she has a book coming out that is being published by my favorite publishing company, Hay House.


(This was a fine example of social media marketing, by the way.)


Cool.   Hmmm…


(I’m getting to the point, I promise)


Karen started several years ago as an unknown.  She began coaching with a business coach, who helped her get branded, and who helped her get her message out to the world.  She didn’t start where she is now.


She started where most of us start.  With a passion for what we do.  She wanted to make money with her passion.  So she got help.


And, damn, look at her now!  Let me just say, You GO, Girl! Truly awesome work and truly awesome results.


For all of us, it starts with a passion for our gifts, whether it’s writing, or healing, or speaking, or connecting, or coaching others or uplifting them or guiding them.  And then we see others making money – good money – with their gifts and we think “Oh, wow, I want to do that.”


And the hunger builds… until we take action to actually build our dream.


So, here’s my question for you:  what action are you taking today to build your dream? What gifts are you aching to bring to the world in a powerful way?  And what steps can you take to do this?


Get going!  Your world is waiting for you!


Hugs, Anne




3 thoughts on “Raw Food, Hay House and You”

  1. Ann @CreativeBoomer

    It’s so true that we write our lists and goal from a place of faith. Then start edititing them from a place of fear.
    What I’m doing to build my dream is trying to define my message and figure out the best way I can help those who read my blog.

  2. Very true Anne. So often our fear gets in the way. I know mine can do but I’m working on it! And I wonder if sometimes it’s the fear of success as much as the fear of failure that holds us back?

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