Divine Blog Post

How Can I Grow My Business?

One of my favorite topics these days is “how can I grow my business?” (Just ask my family, they hear me talk about it incessantly.)  I don’t mean to be a one-note Jill, but for some reason, it is just about all I think about.

I am fascinated by the process this journey requires.  There is not only the experience of figuring out what I want to offer, but also the method or way in which I intend to offer my gifts to the world.  This means, well, products, services, and marketing.

I never paid much attention to this – not really – when I had a practice where I saw people one-on-one for sessions.  I would regularly give talks and presentations, but I never went much beyond the Yellow Pages ad.  I had planned on creating more of my work online at some point in time, but I was never really sure where to go with it or what to offer or how to do it.  I mean, I frankly struggled with dealing with a website.

Then, I met Mande White.  Mande attended one of my workshops, and I liked her instantly.  We became friends over the course of a year, as well as colleagues.  She helped me immensely when it came to “How the heck do I do THIS?” (whatever “this” was).  Mande has her own business, where she teaches people how to use the social media world for their businesses.  She is in great demand, and clients absolutely love her, because she explains things so well, and gives so much.

Since then, I’ve been learning how to move forward doing what I love to do.  I will say, however, it’s been a real journey.  And not much fun sometimes.  I get stuck in my own inner conversations that say “This is too hard!” or “I don’t know how to DO it!” or “Who am I kidding? My dream is just so much bigger than I know how to create!”  The thing is, magical people have been coming forward to help me.

First, it was the Magnificent Mande White.  Then entered Alicia Forest, an incredible coach who teaches how to build your business online.  Then yummy Jan Masters, MamaRed Knight, who does awesome, fun, and energizing radio shows.  Then Melissa Hart, a wonderful assistant, who makes cold calls for me, and loves doing it!  (Imagine that!) Then Sharon Savage, a delightful VA, who has been taking the load off my shoulders and putting it onto hers (all the while laughing with me).

What I’ve realized is this:  I don’t have to know how to create what it is I want.  Spirit (or the Universe or God or whatever you want to call that energy of Love and Light and Beauty and Syncronicity) is bringing to me the perfect people at the perfect time to help me take that next step.  I don’t have to have it all planned out.  I can just trust and have faith that it will.

(This from a minister.  See, I’m still learning, too.)  To quote my daughter:  “It’s all good.”


1 thought on “How Can I Grow My Business?”

  1. For me it is God’s hand at work, and it’s always exhilarating to experience, as the energy of Love and Beauty and Light and Synchronicity makes itself manifest in our lives and propels us towards our goals. Thanks and praise to Him.

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